A Voucher Code Site With Less Hassle?
posted in Affiliate Marketing |Fancy having voucher code site with less hassle, here is a possibility of a cunning plan which might earn a few pennies. It might not be popular, but not all seem to be playing by the rules and networks maybe not proactive enough in addressing cookie overwriting within certain time frames. So please slap & spank this blog entry to your hearts content, but hopefully you can see through it, by understanding & appreciating the constructive criticism in the underlying message, by reading between the lines & the intended good intent.
- 1. Purchase a domain name with discount & voucher codes in it. Maybe a different name as a few might be cheesed off, though not their jurisdiction.
- 2. Develope a basic style directory adopted by some of current VC/DC sites with merchant logos.
- 3. It will be a voucher code site with no affiliate links, only sponsored listings for a given merchant. If you have the tools you know what they are bidding highly on, if not not brand names & hybrids will suffice.
- 4. Spam meta tag, you only have to do a search on search engine for “brand + voucher code” etc to get an idea.
- 5. Optimise the layout by old keyword style keyword stuffing, this old school tactic still seems to work with some.
- 6. Do hybrid brand bidding (not recommended) and claim ignorance. Do not have brands written in any url properties or strings. Otherwise broad match on generics & analyse the search string on site entry to present the correct merchants.
- 7. Acquire & aggregate as many published codes out there & display, whether direct from sites or free databases. Since it’ll only be an information / resource site. Maybe encourage users to post as they find them.
- 8. Sign up to all other voucher code site newsletters, making it easier to collect codes.
- 9. Collect & harvest email databases.
- 10. Earn via various sponsored link sources, easy to know what merchant bids on, but brand alone will bring in the pennies & with so many merchants converting poorly generally it might just be better than you think.
- 11. Note there are no affiliate links, so no networks are involved & thus out of their jurisdiction.
- 12. No revenue for networks, perhaps they should be doing more but not allowing other affiliate cookies to be overwritten within a certain time frame, or stop merchants de duping against voucher codes.
- 13. Click here to reveal code & visit merchant could be adopted.
- 14. Eats into the margins of competing VC / DC sites and you can still offer a decent service.
- 15. Reduces their margins of competitors so that some might have to look at other options.
- 16. No need to worry about merchants who are starting to exclude voucher code sites in their program t&cs.
- 17. You might initially think the EPC might not be great, but if you know what you are doing this can be increased to more appealing levels.
- 18. There is no jurisdiction for networks to get involved.
- 19. You have a VC / DC site without the network & affiliate hassle. Less merchant hassle.
- 20. If anything it might prevent “content” & “ppc” affiliates cookies being overwritten. PROTECTS THEM ! Unless merchant de-dupes against their own ppc activity and/or if a voucher code is used.
Oh .. and … no cookie overwrite issues… no de-duping issues … no tracking issues … no not getting remuneration issues … no unpaid or late invoice issues !!!
“If not enough is being done or quick enough to appease affiliate concerns by networks (in their juggling & balancing act) who still get override, then affected ppc & content affiliates should shoulder the burden, take responsibility themselves by taking matters into their own hands … to protect their own (and other content & ppc affiliate) revenue stream by deflecting traffic to themselves preventing cookie over-write. There is no reason why a good site cannot be produced in the aforementioned way”