A Singular Point of Reference for Keyword Policy! My Midichlorian Count Must Be Low!
posted in Affiliate Marketing, PPC Brand Name Bidding |
I was & wasn’t surprised, but definitely disappointed, to find out from different networks that when a merchant changes their keyword policy, they still don’t have an automated alert method to ensure that both the affiliate or network are made aware of any keyword policy changes, no matter how significant or insignificant they maybe/seem or deemed.
On a merchants information page these are too easily merged or at a later date appended into the program description, or if a merchant has a specific keyword restriction or keyword link, changes can all too easily be made without anybody knowing, unless of course you’re a psychic / clairvoyant or have some form of extra sensory perception by feeling a disturbance in the force.
Countless times have keyword policies been changed or sneaked in without notification, most networks are very polite about any breach of keyword policy you may have not known about, a few are not, or alternatively you are kicked off a program because your psychic abilities are not finely attuned or your Midichlorian count is too low.
Because some networks, merchants & agencies are so protective & over sensitive with keyword policy, & have been for quite a while at an increasing rate, it really is about time some basic parameters are implemented.
Firstly there should ONLY BE A SINGULAR POINT OF REFERENCE with regard to a merchants keyword policy and ONLY whatever is written in there should be applied / enforced. Yes, we know about not having ambiguous keyword policies & the need for it to be written clearly, concisely, politely & never in a forthright or dictatorial manner.
Any changes for keyword policy can ONLY be made within the SINGULAR POINT OF REFERENCE keyword policy section & nowhere else!
Lastly & most importantly, whenever the slightest change, no matter how minute or subtle it maybe, is made within the SINGULAR POINT OF REFERENCE for keyword policy there MUST, MUST, MUST be an automated communication sent out to both affiliates & the network via normal email as well as any internal mail system on the networks admin area which affiliates access.
This is a simple request & something which is well overdue within the industry. Come on networks, it’s not exactly rocket science to set up.
Right I am off to have my Midichlorians levels boosted.