28th March 2007

It Just Isn’t Cricket

I was having a butchers at the new keyword restrictions for Game.co.uk, on Tradedoubler. Well I recently received an email saying they had been updated, but knowing Tradedoubler & the merchant, I just had a feeling it would be something ludicrous in the sense that they would try to prevent affiliates on generic terms. My instinct yet again proved correct.

The following list of words must be added to the NEGATIVE LIST or Excluded Words of your Pay Per Click advertising campaigns. game, game.co.uk, game store, game stores, game.com, game online, game site, game website, game store, game stores, game shop, game shops, game online store, game group, game uk, game uk, game.net, gamestores.co.uk, gamestore.co.uk, gamestore, gamestores, game uk online store, game store online, game stores online, game the next level, game.uk.com, game store uk, game stores uk, game shop uk, game shops uk, game first place for games, first place for games

The obvious brand names you can visibly like see domain names or tag lines. However, since when do they have the monopoly to the generic word “game”. I wonder if they have managed to sneak a trademark restriction onto Google Adwords as there doesn t seem to be any other ads, nor many on the other pay per click search engines. Though I appreciate it’s indeed avery generic term to convert with a decent ROI. However, not that I am going to consider promoting this merchant on these generic terms, I will use what I consider generic terms to promote whatever I like. As far as I am concerned the generic word “game” is fair game.

posted in Affiliate Marketing, PPC Brand Name Bidding | 0 Comments

25th February 2007

Why Don’t You Take the Ebay Challenge?! www.ebay.co.uk

Here is a simple way to ascertain whether Ebay UK is encroaching on your company trademark or url (website address) or other well known ones that you are aware off.

It’s Quite simple really:

  • Step 1: Within Google UK, type in the URL’s of 10 well known charities & then search i.e. www.barnardos.org.uk, there are dozens of them.
  • Step 2: Into Google UK, type in the URL’s of 10 well known retail or finance or holiday companies i.e. www.butlinsonline.co.uk, again there are hundreds of them.
  • Step 3: Into Google UK, type in the URL’s of any sites you have which are popular or other affiliates you are aware of. i.e. one good affiliate site is www.reviewcentre.com

Remember to try the above without the prefix “www.” as well

Please note the results maybe geo-targeted and may not show for your specific location.

Objectives : Observe the number of sponsored ads featuring “Ebay” & even “Ask” encroaching on the owners of those trademarks or intellectual property.Where is the ethics on taking money away from charities?

Spread the word to any companies you work closely with. Because this has been directly addressed with Ebay, as well as Google who in my opinion have the same hypocritical mindset & was also addressed with the affiliate network Commission Junction (as it’s CJ links which are being used at the time of this post).

Yet still none of them have had the decency to address this effectively.

If it’s your company being affected are you too yellow (chicken) to take on Ebay & ask / insist they stop this practice, whether it be them or close associates?

Report Ebay UK to the following:

Advertising Standards Authority, Office of Fair Trading, Trading Standards or the DTI,

or Alternatively send an email to any Newspapers or industry trade magazines like NMA or Revolution then perhaps this may then cease.

They are potentially taking away business & customers away from you !!!

posted in Affiliate Marketing, Ebay, Google, PPC Brand Name Bidding, World News | 5 Comments

17th February 2007

Sneaky Lack of Notification in Changes to PPC (Keyword Policies) by Networks & Merchants

Just a bugbear that quite a few affiliates involved within ppc advertising experience is the zero notification or lack of notification in changes to pay per click advertising policies. .. rest to follow

posted in Affiliate Marketing, PPC Brand Name Bidding | 0 Comments

9th February 2007

Corruption in Affiliate Marketing? Sycophants Crossing Palms With Silver?

WOW (no not World Of Warcraft)! Fraser at Affiliate Blog is really stoking the fire with his lastest & boldest blog entry.

Corruption in Affiliate Marketing

Our Comment was:

“Blimey Fraser … controversial thread indeed… Simply examine some of the cliques at events & tie this in with some of the lower profiles who are maybe less vociferous, then follow the breadcrumb trail down to a parking lot off the M3, from the gingerbread house lading back to the village, or if you prefer go by Gravy Train or better still have a heli-pad on the roof. It’s surprising how a few beers lowers inhibitions & loosens the tongue.

Apart from observing the patterns, links in the ppc market, social circles & reactions & responses from the suspecting offending affiliates, networks, merchants or agencies the conundrum slowly reveals itself. You can deliberately lay the bait & the red herrings & surprising how gullible they can be. By soaking up the focus whilst others investigate.

B.T. way, It’s also interesting & worth lending an ear to what previous employees of the odd network may divulge. Whether it be conspiracy theory or fact or whether the evidence / suggestions presented can only be deemed as circumstantial, there is enough information out there to maybe point to the latter, suggesting it maybe rife with regard to the volume of transactions passing through, but only small with regard to the numbers of people / organisations involved.

If you took the top 5 programs within certain (not all) networks with a closed bidding group policy away, I do wonder how this would effect their turnover. Some of these parties have possibly already made their fortunes, so a curtail in the practice maybe just now matter of principle, but unscrupulous people just get greedier.

P.S. It’s been suggested that by making the above comment or having an opinion. Some way not speak with me again or be on their guard. Oh well, at least it will permit more time socialising with true mates.”

I am looking forward to perusing some of the comments on Fraser’s Affiliate Blog, from peoples who’s opinions I listen & value, rather than posting a full blown opinion on here.

No doubt as already suggested by a network we will be accused as being judge, jury & executioner .. what whining .. hey ho .. better than the Kangeroo Courts than existed before when these so called deemed Cartels materialiased.

We have recently approached some networks to ascertain which programs are closed group within their network, to offer transparency to affiliates, this will be the next blog.

I have a cunning plan, more cunning than a very cunning thing. Even more cunning than a fox, in fact, a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it weazel. Perhaps the solution is to become a sycophant.


posted in Closed Groups, PPC Brand Name Bidding | 3 Comments

24th November 2006

Official: I’m Not for Sale on Ebay … If I Was My Fee Would Be A Shepherds Pie

If you are one of the very few who has arrived here via our Google Adwords Advert via the search on my name or namesake, then a warm welcome to you.

As of the time of this post it has only received 22 impressions & 4 clicks with a CTR of 18.18% and Avg. CPC of $0.04

For the record, unlike what the Ebay advert suggests on the following link, I am not for sale nor up or auction on Ebay, I cannot be bought .. oh … unless it’s my my favourite curry … and no it doesn’t contain Moose Meat as an ingredient … that would be cannalbilsm.
For those who are wondering what the heck I am on about, visit the following links which is a search on my name & read the relevant thread in the A4U Forum. It questions Ebay’s or their partners unethical practice on bidding on protected trademarks and/or properties & inappropiate phrases whether it’s deemed as passing off … or .. derogatory words or keywords that clearly contravines Google so called Quality Standards.

Click Here for A4U Forum
Click Here for Google Adwords Ad

I am a little disappointed nobody has bidded on me, oh well, at least my children love me.

Let’s see how long it takes Google Adwords to disapprove our relevant advert & allow Ebays irrelevant one as seen here at the current time of posting.

Just incase they do, we have taken the liberty of collecting a screen grab for you.

Paul Wheatley Ebay Ad

The simple intention of this particular blog is an amusing send up of Googles questionable & irelevant Quality Score with a suggested bias against affiliates in it’s algorithmic behaviour, in favour of the bigger, deep pocket corporations like Ebay, and the double standards & unfair practices we feel are happening in the industry which will be well documented in due course and should be brought forward to industrial bodies.

I will add to this at a slightly later date but for the time being enjoy the thread on the A4 Forum, but remember the serious undertones in the infringement of your business & trademarks whether you are an affiliate or merchant, and ascertain for yourselves where the faults & reasons lie … Because this blog will eventually attempt to uncover the answers to the question “How Deep Does the Rabbit Hole Go!”

A Message to Ebay & Google: ” Pack It In You Moose Pimps .. This is Moose Abuse & The Moose Cannot Be Bought” … Quote kindly suggested by a friend.

posted in A Moose's Life, Affiliate Marketing, Ebay, PPC Brand Name Bidding | 0 Comments

17th November 2006

Are Tradedoubler “The Borg” in Disguise?

… “I am Hamlet of Borg! To be assimilated or not to be assimilated? That is the question.”

In a series of episodes dedicated to Tradedoubler, I am beginning to wonder if Tradedoubler (A Swedish Company) are in fact “The Borg” in disguise, assimilating the marketing ideas & prowess of the affiliate community into their little idealistic fantasy world (btw not a patch on World of Warcraft) of closed group brand name bidding rights thinly disguised (veiled) as tenders, in their pursuance of controlling the affiliate world with the same mind set which can only be likened to Google’s (who’s objective is maybe to have the Google logo printed on the US $ dollar Bill)

Quite a few affiliates have now received several of these ridiculously lengthy, so called “equal” opportunity tenders to peruse from Tradedoubler, containing open ended questions to complete & submit on return. These tenders are requesting information like projections, & what should be closely guarded secrets, your marketing techniques & tools. All for the for the so called privilege of a selected few (perhaps already pre-selected) to enjoy closed group brand name bidding rights for some merchants. Basically, they ask for almost everything (senstive information) from knowing your marketing secrets to what colour / ply toilet paper you prefer, well not actually toliet paper, but you get the drift, thus they may as well include this ….

Sell your soul why not, as the network assimilates all those aggregated ideas into their own Borg Realm of Control (not the hippy Swedish tennis player version but the Star Trek variety, though i do wonder if they are actually Born (Bjorn) Borg, though if you want to be pedantic you cannot actually be born Borg (If you are a Trekky Fan, then you’ll know this)

The idea of being given brand rights via Tradedoubler is certainly luring to the gullible, with the enticement of brand, when any experienced PPC’er (Pay Per Click Advertiser) knows that the value of the generic term is more valuable than the brand name itself. Therefore perhaps it should be considered at what cost this comes?

“Closed Groups” is another full discussion within itself, the Advantages & Disadvantages of which will be discussed on a later blog date.

Tradedoubler say they are “very eager to receive your proposal” thinly veiled in allegory “on how your company can compliment and propel” the merchants “business forward in to 2007.” Off course they are eager, they are possibly rubbing their hands with glee at every greedy unsuspecting mug who returns the tender application. Don’t you just love their colloquial spin? They are certainly on a different planet.

So, hyperthetically speaking, here you go Tradedoubler, here’s everything I have learned over the years for you to glean, I know I won’t get included because you’ve got your own little clique cartel including the Andover crew (not my reference to them), including Jesus, Oh sacrilege! … I hear some proclaim .. with their clone army of brown nosed yes men. And … when your done digesting all that invaluable information of ours, we sweated years & tears with. You’ll only either pass those golden nuggets of harnessed information on to the chosen few or keep it selfishly to yourself by charging your client something like a £300 an hour consultancy fee, claiming they are wholly your own innovative ideas & proprietary software in achieving maximum ROI (Return On Investment) & brand awareness.

“Poppycock! Excuse Me! Borg Master!” … Whilst I am at it, please could you rashly insert toilet brush up my backside & I ‘ll give a little wiggle for you at the same time . … Oh hang on a minute let me get a mirror .. hmmm .. Yep, just as I thought the sun does shine out of there.

To be fair, Tradedoubler do offer the tender to a number of affiliates, including ourselves, whether it is a level playing field or not, I am sceptical, to trust them with the information required to be divulged, I do not.

Unfortunately, I duped myself into thinking last year that Tradedoubler had turned a corner / new leaf & that a leopard could change it’s spots with an openness & improvement in their affiliate support. In my honest opinion (imho) it’s been nothing short of diabolically, by their own opinion, based on their actions we have expereinced, they are deemed never wrong.

“You will Comply” … Arrogant, Aloof Control Freaks … “Resistance is Futile”

Their corporate persona of aloofness & wonderfully contrived vocabulary of colloquisms and the creative sycophantical use of superfluous superlatives (say “superfluous superlatives” 5 times really quickly) simply disguises the bull. Tradedoubler’s, lip service just doesn’t wash anymore with us. Something we’ll just have to accept & focus our attentions with more accomodating open minded networks.

It’s easy to ascertain why merchants are attracted on to the Tradedoubler network, they truly do present the “bells and whistles” platform with a practical & functional affiliate / merchant user interface, maybe not the best in the industry, but still extremely impressive to say the least. Merchants & agencies are wooed by this (which other networks should consider) as you’ll observe by the big named brands they represent, which has a catalytic effect of it’s own to bring even more big named brands onboard.

However, beneath the veneer & the facade, when you get down to the nuts of bolts of it, .. “No Bells & Whistles, Just Nuts & Bolts” it’s woolly & the service from our experience has been poor. This has been mutually expressed by both other affiliates & merchants without prompting.

As a final suggestion, perhaps it should be the merchant pitching to the affiliate, now that’s a little twist? Since it’s the affiliates who have the marketing skills & the advertising spend, as it currently stands … it’s sooooo the wrong way around.

Conclusion: Remember, just be careful when passing information & ideas onto Tradedoubler with regard to the tender and ask yourself do you trust them, don’t simply sell your soul to The Borg and allow your ideas to be assimilated, because of a few Ker-ching! benefits.

Borg Humour:

… “I am Ohm of Borg! Resistance is the Disease, Not the Cure”
… “I am DOS of Borg! Prepare… oops, out of memory!”
… “I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be assim… OOH! DONUTS!

posted in Closed Groups, PPC Brand Name Bidding | 3 Comments

17th November 2006

PPC Brand Name Bidding – The Need For Proper Guidelines

We recently conducted this lengthy & tedious task on all networks and noticed a lack of continuity & ambiguity. Where it is ambiguous, we refrain from brand named bidding.

Several points we would like to note & NETWORK XYZ should observe were brought to attention at meetings or discussions with ourselves, was that there are several possible points of reference for a keyword policy, in places these are in confliction with each other. It is the sole responsibility of NETWORK XYZ and/or the account managers to ensure that there is Only a Single Point of Reference for keyword policy for any given merchant. If any changes are made, they MUST all update simultaneously, any changes made, no matter how minute, should automatically send an email to affiliates, notifying them that changes have been made, with the keyword policy contained both within the email and to refer to admin interface. Not all affiliates I am sure refer to the several points to source keyword policy, maybe only one.

What is incredibly infuriating, are when changes are made by account managers whereby affiliates are not suitably notified, this indiscretion is commonplace amongst all networks and happens all too frequently. Even a full stop “.” or a space” ” on restricted or negative keywords can make a significant difference to a campaign. Even more so when blame is deflected to affiliate, when the fault lies with the network who seem just to want to look favourable in the clients eyes. Now, genuine errors can be made by any party, as much as anyone being fallible without intent to circa navigate policies, so there needs to be tolerance & understanding from all those involved. It should never be a “put up & shut up” scenario.

In addition, we know of restricted keyword policies that have not been updated on system, again commonplace across networks.

One of the weakest links, is when there is meant to be restricted keyword policy or it’s inaccurate or incomplete, but more problematic is that the NETWORK XYZ system says refer to merchants FAQ, however a majority of the time this is blank with no details on merchants page to refer to. With regard to some of the points required for a clear & concise keyword policy I will come onto next, but NETWORK XYZ also have to take responsibility too, which we hope will be the outcome of this & the meetings, leaving little room for confusion and harmonious & responsible working relationships.

While no doubt there will be a massive knee jerk reaction and exponential increase in keyword restrictions, networks must be careful they do not become too paranoid that this fragments & decimates the affiliate market industry for the worse, whilst there is too much focus on keyword policy than useful content for the affiliate to use. Another point of paramount important is a single point of reference of a keyword policy, whereby it is imperative the policies are not scattered around various tabs & worse still inconsistent. It is the directive of a network to ensure a “single point of reference” and with any changes however minute that an email notification is both sent out & included within any internal email. However, I am inclined to feel this may not overall happen correctly.

Food for thought, what is the difference between bidding on a brand via SEM or appearing for brand on SEO, whty is the formeer being crucified.

Amalgamation of Suggestions

Here is a brief summary of what we expect to see as part of concise keyword policies, in conjunction with above

a) Can an affiliate send traffic directly to the merchants website from ppc search engines – Using their url as the display url? Also which PPC Search Engines does this apply to, since only Google has a single URL restriction policy.

b) Can an affiliate bid on the merchants brand name? e.g. Dell

c) Can an affiliate bid on Hybrid Phrase = merchant brand name + generic term (e.g. Dell Computer, etc.)? e.g. “Dell” being the brand & “Computer” being the Generic. When conjoined forms the Hybrid “Dell Computer”

Please note: that other competitor ads will probably appear for those bidding on the generic term aspect of the hybrid phrase in a broadmatch. Does the merchant want to lose out on this potential ad coverage to MULTIPLE competitors, who affiliates can advertise on behalf of too?

d) If the merchant has restrictions – what EXACT TERMS CAN AN AFFILIATE NOT BID ON – if they don’t include this, the affiliate might induce they have a free reign. Blanket terms of misspellings & variations etc., is NOT ACCEPTABLE! With regard to these terms which the merchant should hold trademarks too, if negative keywords are requested, are they exact match, broadmatch or phrase match? This is important. Also full stops & spaces can make a difference. Is there a maximum bid imposed?

Please note: Has the merchant registered these phrases (trademarks) they “actually” own the marks to with Google? Also the merchant should provide the trademark numbers as proof to affiliates. Does the merchant also own the marks to the hybrid phrases (brand + generic). Granted though providing Trademark numbers may not be pratical, though perhaps it will prove clarification if presented at network level.

e) Can the affiliate bid on Brand terms and /or Hybrids to send traffic through to their own website or a specific landing page designed by the affiliate & approved by the network and/or merchant? If a check is required?

f) Can an affiliate bid on misspellings & variations? However does the merchant actually own the marks to these? Is the merchant over-stepping their boundaries?

g) Can an affiliate bid on generic & targeted product related terms & send directly to the merchants website using their display url?

h) Does the merchant conduct their own in house ppc campaign or is it run by a ppc agency or possibly even the network (if a network, there is then a conflict of interest)?

i) Who is currently giving the merchant the advice about PPC policy? Has the merchant actually consulted affiliates for a balanced presentation? Or have they simply said what some agency ill advised them to do or maybe a network is too polite & meek to mention (A yellow bellied nodding dog in the case of one or two OTHER networks)? Some agencies may impressively provide the bells & whistles with corporate speak, bumpf & power point presentations with colloquial vocabulary, but realistically an affiliate could demonstrate the nuts & bolts of it all in more laymans terms.

j) Does the program have a closed group policy for certain affiliates? Did the network or account manager pick via teachers pet syndrome or was this presented / tendered to a number of affiliates whom may be suitable candidates but were overlooked? If there is a closed group this too should be mentioned, and may prevent some affiliates making assumptions …. Like “If he’s doing it, then I’m doing it”
k) Continuing with whether the merchant actually owns the marks to these misspellings or variations? Have they tried registering these with Google (though they never used to accept these they may now well consider misspellings in certain cases)? This may prevent some problems.

l) Also, to all the above questions, if there is an objection by the merchant or their representative, we would need to know their full reasoning pertaining to that decision so that the merchant can be correctly guided or communicated with directly with “certain other parties” not involved on a case by case basis, however there would be considerable overlap. Formulating a “book of rebuttal” or polite “white paper” to educate merchants about search engine marketing, focusing on how some imposed restrictions could stunt the growth of their program & consequently any positive brand awareness or ROI.

m) Where to every question put forward a merchant we have to ask “IF NOT WHY NOT” to ascertain if their reasoning is well thought out or they were incorrectly influenced or simply knee jerk reactions through ignorance. As we suspect, soem networks get merchants on board by saying they will restrict affiliates as much as possible in the PPC Arena.
n) Perhaps there should be further discussions to the advantages & disadvantages (pros & cons) to each point.

p) Can I use the brand name in the sub domain or directory url of my own domain name? Though the merchant has no right to prohibit me and shouldn’t even come into the discussion. Though stupidly, one particular network has included this a prerequiste option.

q) Can the affiliate use the brand name in the title of an ad, or advert copy?

r) Keyword policies & NETWORK XYZ intended contract needs to be fair and balanced without being too inhibitive to affiliates, which I am sure is NETWORK XYZ intention – not a “put up & shut up” and consequently being left in the cold.

s) But firstly, let’s set out the minimal information & guidelines or rules we require in order to adhere to and ensure from NETWORK XYZ there is 100% communication from them, on both existing policies & future changes, no matter how minute.

u) Notication of changes to any PPC Policy should come under contract law, where a suitable period of grace is given to implement any changes, as it is changes to the terms & conditions of any agreement … these also communicated effectively to affiliates by several methods, not just one telephone, email and/or internal messaging system.

Networks Changing PPC Policy Without Due Notification


PPC : Closed Groups for Bidding on Brand


Networks Advising Incorrectly on Display URL’s


posted in Affiliate Marketing, PPC Brand Name Bidding | 2 Comments