Corruption in Affiliate Marketing? Sycophants Crossing Palms With Silver?
posted in Closed Groups, PPC Brand Name Bidding |
WOW (no not World Of Warcraft)! Fraser at Affiliate Blog is really stoking the fire with his lastest & boldest blog entry.
Corruption in Affiliate Marketing
Our Comment was:
“Blimey Fraser … controversial thread indeed… Simply examine some of the cliques at events & tie this in with some of the lower profiles who are maybe less vociferous, then follow the breadcrumb trail down to a parking lot off the M3, from the gingerbread house lading back to the village, or if you prefer go by Gravy Train or better still have a heli-pad on the roof. It’s surprising how a few beers lowers inhibitions & loosens the tongue.
Apart from observing the patterns, links in the ppc market, social circles & reactions & responses from the suspecting offending affiliates, networks, merchants or agencies the conundrum slowly reveals itself. You can deliberately lay the bait & the red herrings & surprising how gullible they can be. By soaking up the focus whilst others investigate.
B.T. way, It’s also interesting & worth lending an ear to what previous employees of the odd network may divulge. Whether it be conspiracy theory or fact or whether the evidence / suggestions presented can only be deemed as circumstantial, there is enough information out there to maybe point to the latter, suggesting it maybe rife with regard to the volume of transactions passing through, but only small with regard to the numbers of people / organisations involved.
If you took the top 5 programs within certain (not all) networks with a closed bidding group policy away, I do wonder how this would effect their turnover. Some of these parties have possibly already made their fortunes, so a curtail in the practice maybe just now matter of principle, but unscrupulous people just get greedier.
P.S. It’s been suggested that by making the above comment or having an opinion. Some way not speak with me again or be on their guard. Oh well, at least it will permit more time socialising with true mates.”
I am looking forward to perusing some of the comments on Fraser’s Affiliate Blog, from peoples who’s opinions I listen & value, rather than posting a full blown opinion on here.
No doubt as already suggested by a network we will be accused as being judge, jury & executioner .. what whining .. hey ho .. better than the Kangeroo Courts than existed before when these so called deemed Cartels materialiased.
We have recently approached some networks to ascertain which programs are closed group within their network, to offer transparency to affiliates, this will be the next blog.
I have a cunning plan, more cunning than a very cunning thing. Even more cunning than a fox, in fact, a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it weazel. Perhaps the solution is to become a sycophant.