It Just Isn’t Cricket
posted in Affiliate Marketing, PPC Brand Name Bidding |I was having a butchers at the new keyword restrictions for, on Tradedoubler. Well I recently received an email saying they had been updated, but knowing Tradedoubler & the merchant, I just had a feeling it would be something ludicrous in the sense that they would try to prevent affiliates on generic terms. My instinct yet again proved correct.
The following list of words must be added to the NEGATIVE LIST or Excluded Words of your Pay Per Click advertising campaigns. game,, game store, game stores,, game online, game site, game website, game store, game stores, game shop, game shops, game online store, game group, game uk, game uk,,,, gamestore, gamestores, game uk online store, game store online, game stores online, game the next level,, game store uk, game stores uk, game shop uk, game shops uk, game first place for games, first place for games
The obvious brand names you can visibly like see domain names or tag lines. However, since when do they have the monopoly to the generic word “game”. I wonder if they have managed to sneak a trademark restriction onto Google Adwords as there doesn t seem to be any other ads, nor many on the other pay per click search engines. Though I appreciate it’s indeed avery generic term to convert with a decent ROI. However, not that I am going to consider promoting this merchant on these generic terms, I will use what I consider generic terms to promote whatever I like. As far as I am concerned the generic word “game” is fair game.