Just Imagine – The Worm Has Turned
posted in Affiliate Marketing |Just imagine if consumers were generally knowledgeable about paid search. Now mix this & adopt into a scenario where a consumer and had adequate case for complaints about a particular retailer or service which wasn’t being resolved to their satisfaction. That person(s) maybe had a blog and wanted to get their message out there, which would be more effective than simply commenting on a consumer review site.
Now, just imagine that consumer, knowing about paid search and having some disposable cash, bidded on that retailers brand and pointing the traffic to their own blog. Interesting maybe?
Consumers haven’t yet utilised paid search to their advantage for effective resolution.
Now, just imagine this was taken one stage further, your an affiliate with a strong belief & proof for commissions due which were incorrectly reversed etc … You tried the more diplomatic channels to no avail and the result is not to your satisfaction.
Now, just imagine as an affiliate you had the option of expensive litigation to which you may not see any return or for a fraction of what it would cost, bidded on the merchants brand name, variation & mispellings & pointed these paid search ads to your blog with your issue & personal opinions on an affiliate program. Also inviting reviews from the other affiliates & even consumers.
Well, that is an avenue we are exploring at the moment pertaining to one particular merchant, to bid on their brand name, variation & misspellings & point to an entry on this blog. It wouldn’t take rocket science to ascertain who the merchant is, but this will put a whole new perspective of achieving fair resolution & the necessary leverage which affiliates or consumers generally don’t have, where big brands think they can mistakenly dismiss affiliates or consumers.
The internet is a powerful leveler for advocating the abolition of social inequities within the industry.
Just Imagine!
Sub Note: Whether affiliates are aware of it of it or not, this has been a bad year for the industry for affiliates in particular with respect to being supressed & operational envelopes ever decreasing & the industry fragmenting. I think next year it will get worse before it gets better, with distinct camps which if you are observant enough are plain to see at this moment in time, but there will be affiliates (a new breed, not old hands) who shall be getting considerably tougher & resourceful by tackling issues on a more united & public front, where diplomacy has previously fallen on deaf ears.
Granted there have been some terrific highlights this year mainly on the social & networking calendar like a4uexpo & Affiliate Summit, for myself the trip to Las Vegas with Buyagift, Affiliate Window Vaudeville Experience & Barbados Trip with Holiday Watchdog & Affiliate Future … and of course not forgetting Affiliate Fat Camp.