Official: I’m Not for Sale on Ebay … If I Was My Fee Would Be A Shepherds Pie
posted in A Moose's Life, Affiliate Marketing, Ebay, PPC Brand Name Bidding |If you are one of the very few who has arrived here via our Google Adwords Advert via the search on my name or namesake, then a warm welcome to you.
As of the time of this post it has only received 22 impressions & 4 clicks with a CTR of 18.18% and Avg. CPC of $0.04
For the record, unlike what the Ebay advert suggests on the following link, I am not for sale nor up or auction on Ebay, I cannot be bought .. oh … unless it’s my my favourite curry … and no it doesn’t contain Moose Meat as an ingredient … that would be cannalbilsm.
For those who are wondering what the heck I am on about, visit the following links which is a search on my name & read the relevant thread in the A4U Forum. It questions Ebay’s or their partners unethical practice on bidding on protected trademarks and/or properties & inappropiate phrases whether it’s deemed as passing off … or .. derogatory words or keywords that clearly contravines Google so called Quality Standards.
Click Here for A4U Forum
Click Here for Google Adwords Ad
I am a little disappointed nobody has bidded on me, oh well, at least my children love me.
Let’s see how long it takes Google Adwords to disapprove our relevant advert & allow Ebays irrelevant one as seen here at the current time of posting.
Just incase they do, we have taken the liberty of collecting a screen grab for you.
The simple intention of this particular blog is an amusing send up of Googles questionable & irelevant Quality Score with a suggested bias against affiliates in it’s algorithmic behaviour, in favour of the bigger, deep pocket corporations like Ebay, and the double standards & unfair practices we feel are happening in the industry which will be well documented in due course and should be brought forward to industrial bodies.
I will add to this at a slightly later date but for the time being enjoy the thread on the A4 Forum, but remember the serious undertones in the infringement of your business & trademarks whether you are an affiliate or merchant, and ascertain for yourselves where the faults & reasons lie … Because this blog will eventually attempt to uncover the answers to the question “How Deep Does the Rabbit Hole Go!”
A Message to Ebay & Google: ” Pack It In You Moose Pimps .. This is Moose Abuse & The Moose Cannot Be Bought” … Quote kindly suggested by a friend.