Premier League to Sue Google’s YouTube
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At first I thought Google’s acquisition of YouTube might endure a flurry of claimants and that it might prove to be a glowing red coal which might prove to be too hot to handle, simply because of the Google Tag it will receive greater coverage to the not so net savvy, unless these claimants have been laying in waiting for the right opportunity.
Further news arose today that the Footbal Premier League (known as Soccer to any US readership) wants to sue Google’s video-sharing site YouTube for alleged copyright infringement. It’s not as if the Premier League isn’t wealthy enough as it is, but fair play to them in taking on Google, claiming Google knowingly misappropiated it’s intellectual property by conciously encouraging footage to be submitted by users on its site.
This simply compounds the appox £500m lawsuit from media griant Viacom.
No doubt, more companies will join in the frenzy, because there is now an unfortunate suing culture which has infected/infested this side of the pond?
“Despite its huge popularity and commercial success, YouTube has attracted criticism from media organisations for the access it provides to sought-after content.”
No doubt Google will deny, deny, deny as other companies may also jump on the bandwagon. However there is no denying that Google’s YouTube is benefiting financially from others content.
Are there any plans for Google to remunerate the authors of original content which doesn’t impede on intellectual property or copyrights of companies or individuals?
Basically Google IS milking it of others. You often hear the expression “content is king”, but who’s content are they making money from? Joe Public that’s who.
But, even if they, meaning Google, decide to settle with the current plantiffs, will the problem ever go away with wave after wave of human rights & copyright infringement claims potentially coming in?
Perhaps Google might one day wish they could literally flush this acquisition down the lavatory U-Tube, great & popular though the site is, it might lose it’s appeal when the only video footage that will be permitted on there is personal videos, albeit there is an abundance of good ones of those.
No doubt Google will squirm out of it somehow, claiming to be the victim, with a bit of spin to throw in for good measure. However I am a football fan through and through, and the last thing I want to see is Google bleeding the game, I enjoy, dry.
Granted it’s obvious I am not a fan of Google, and trust me if I had a red hot poker to hand I know who’s proverbial U-Tube I would like to shove it up. Figuratively speaking of course.
Question : Will this acquisition prove to be an own goal?