Say No! to Restrictions to on Brands in the Sub Domains & Folders of an Affiliate’s Website
posted in Affiliate Marketing |Last night I was simply going through the process of signing up to a few programs on various affiliate networks & occasionally you see terms & conditions like these.
In this example we shall use AXA PPP “H“ealthcare
“Affiliates are not permitted to have the AXA brand in their URLs, display URLs, sub-domains or folders “
The part that grates me is “sub-domains or folders” when are networks going to tell merchants or their agencies, no to unacceptable “sub-domains or folders” restrictions. An affiliates website is their domain & it’s down to their own integrity, whether it be site architecture or sub-domain, folder structure, & that of the merchant or agency representing that merchant. Please, get the message that it is an affiliates property & a merchant has no claim to imposing undue restrictions upon this.
Some UK affiliates might remember the debacle for Marks & Spencers when they insisted on affiliates using the ampersand “&” rather than “and”. That was very petty. So in addition to AXA PPP “H“ealthcare affiliate program they had these little clauses too. I think there is a photo knocking about somewhere from an affiliate event with regard to Marks and Spencers. Is it the same agency which or did represent both?
“Our company name should always be written as AXA PPP healthcare (with a lower case ‘h’) and never split over two lines or abbreviated. Wherever possible, Helvetica or Arial should be used for body copy, if not then verdana. Eras demi should be used for headers.”
Cough … excuse me Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms Agency, please get a reality check with the special conditions for the AXA PPP “H”ealth care program. Fine represent the merchant in a favourable hue, but please will they stop being so pedantic. There are other examples out there, but this one was used as actual T&C’s for illustration purposes.
Though not pertaining to this particular program, you quite often see PPC restrictions saying along the lines of “you are permitted to bid on generic terms and send them to your own affiliates site” … How gracious of you sir! – we surly say … it’s our site, off course we surely can … so go away. Will some of these merchants & networks please get a grip.
Side Note : Article working atm .. is called “Join the Dots” … It won’t win many friends & may end up as “Billy No Mates” 🙂
PS Just saw this one for Time Out … “Affiliates are NOT permitted to appear higher in the SERP than the merchant listing” … they just keep getting better .. erm well every affiliate will rank for something better, whatever that term maybe.