That’s The Way The Cookie Crumbles : Loss Of Sales To Voucher Code Affiliates : Dual Cookies With Timers?
posted in Affiliate Marketing |As a follow on to this blog relating to a queuing system for cookies in an attempt to ascertain feasible solutions to sales affiliates reckon they could be losing to voucher code sites, perhaps another possible solution is a dual cookie scenario.
Previous blog entry: Cookie Overwriting – Is There Any Mileage In A Queuing System.
The continuation below:
So a consumer visiting a site via an affiliate link is dropped two cookies, one primary cookie will be valid for the normal cookie duration and can be overwritten by another primary cookie. Whilst the secondary cookie (with a timer) is fixed for a limited period of time, whether it be an hour or a few hours, however … this cannot be overwritten and takes precedence over other cookies until the timer lapses and then the primary cookie takes precedence. This might be a possible consideration to eleviate concerns of those losing out to voucher code sites.
Not everyone wants to have a voucher code site, or currently or wish to adopt it with their websites, some affiliates are focused on paid search direct to merchant. Why should non-VC affiliates lose out? Is it fair or not? Or is it just the way the cookie crumbles?
Bringing Forward Previous Comment:
The Need For Unique Voucher Codes
However, I still feel that each code distributed should be unique for any individual affiliate. ie appending a prefix or suffix to the discount code with the affiliates ID or a network / affiliate ID combo. So if the voucher code was XYZ, the network (abbreviated) ABC and the affiliate ID 123, then it would something like ABC123XYZ.
This way we can trace who had the last cookie (and even the preceding cookie) and who’s voucher code was used, thus gaining a slightly better overview, with an insight into the understanding of customer / consumer habits.