18th November 2007

Today’s Point Of View – To Be Attuned or Not Attuned .. That Is The Question

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Okay, the Ghost of Christmas Future has vanished for the moment, hence why we created the Buyagift landing page for you. No don’t worry, time permitting we might have another one for you shortly, hopefully, so he must have rubbed off on me a bit … bah humbug!

Anyway, you may have noticed how the networks section of a affiliates4u forum has become swamped with their posting of promotions by both networks, agencies & merchants, which is all well & good, and encouraging they are actually posting & it’s warmly received.

However, I am beginning to wonder if each network should have two sections, one with them & their merchants posting promotions & the another dealing with affiliate concerns & discussions, though the politically correct will argue it’s not a support forum, and yes if a fairly general problem contact the network first, if not resolved then look for the support of the forum.

As mentioned before it concerns me that important issues & discussions for an affiliates, no matter how few or many are affected or simple dialogue about the network or merchants gravitate towards lower pages and are perhaps not get attended to or read by other affiliate parties which may actually be affected.

On a side note, there seem to be a number of excellent incentives run by merchants over the festive period, it would be an idea to aggregate these together, so that the merchant is rewarded for their generosity with an increase in incremental sales.

I would also like to see a directory of merchant & agency contacts, with emails and/or telephone numbers, now some networks allow publishing of these on program page, a couple are still prehistoric, but a central resource would be more convenient & beneficial. Currently we simply harvest these from emails, transfer to a spreadsheet and when the need arises we have it available to contact them.

To expand this further, perhaps develop an affiliate directory where affiliates can post their websites into the appropriate category to allow merchants to easily find more affiliates within their vertical sector, niche, product offering, field, etc.

An obvious problem would be affiliates being reluctant to post their websites … whether this be pride, modesty or fear of being sites being copied or plagiarised. On the bigger plus side it would be a good way to showcase, & maybe, like a matchmaking system, allow new relationships to be forged & flourish. Also via a matchmaking tool, some might be apprehensive about publishing their contact details, this could be overcome with a straight forward mutually agreeing permission based solution, where a party allows one or each other to view their contact details. Obviously this can be elaborated in more detail, but surely there are merchants who would like to encourage more of the right kind of affiliates onboard, especially the appropriate content sites, which may get overlooked in favour of .. wait for it .. closed groups on ppc .. or if you’re a real pretentious wally “strategic group” or better still “strategic paid search management group”

On a further point, apart from search functionality to assist in finding historical threads, I don’t know how feasibly practical it would be, but maybe one way of mapping threads pertaining to individual merchants by the form of a directory, so that forum members have the opportunity to see previous postings about that merchant, thus being better informed to acquire their own inference.

Finally, some idiot(s) mistakenly tag affiliate concerns & postings as a rant, simply because it either affects them or their company or they don’t agree with it, these are the ones who cry to mummy in a grandiloquent manner because they are simply wrong. They don’t like anything untoward, even though true, being on a public forum because they claim it tarnishes the name of industry or that a moderator shouldn’t voice concerns or negative aspects within the industry.

Perhaps they can’t differentiate between when somebody rants and when someone is factual, I guess these doughnuts are probably not attuned to the mindset of the affiliates.

Who, if anyone, is being pertinacious? It depends on your interpretation.

Answers on a postcard.

There are currently 2 responses to “Today’s Point Of View – To Be Attuned or Not Attuned .. That Is The Question”

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  1. 1 On November 18th, 2007, Jason said:

    “Perhaps they can’t differentiate between when somebody rants and when someone is factual”

    The problem often lies in the fact that the two parties aren’t often on the same wavelength.

    A program issue for an affiliate often means loss of revenue direct to their pocket. If a program closes, for example, it means (1) removing links and (2) having to perhaps recreate a new revenue stream. In some cases it could mean losing staff.

    For some network managers/affiliate managers – an issue doesn’t directly affect their pocket (as far as I’m aware). They still go home at the end of the month with their wages. If again you take the example above, i.e the program closes, the wages are safe and they get moved to new clients.

    That differential (one keeps earning when things screw up and one doesn’t) imo is why affiliates get so het up that their frustrations appear ranty. If you made the situation the same (i.e. program screws up = no wages), you’d soon find that they’d be more sympathetic :o)

    Also, another point why affiliates may seem ranty – it’s nearly 2008 and many of the issues that exist are the same ones that frustrated us all 4/5 years ago… whilst being squeezed by new problems and concerns (e.g. rogue affiliates, 100% cashback etc).

    Still, my feeling is those that are in the industry in 1/2/3 years time will still have the same problems and concerns – and the ranting or whatever you wish to call it will continue to fall on deaf ears.

    Jude (who’s yakking in my ear as I type) also makes a good point in that network staff come/go – but old geezers like me and thee continue plugging away.. but that means the problems we face have to be explained again and again and again.

    Sad really, but believe me, once you realise that everything in the affiliate garden isn’t rosey, it’s a lot easier to work in it.


  2. 2 On November 19th, 2007, Matthew Oxley said:

    Interesting thoughts,

    I like the idea of the ‘matchmaking’ service. If anybody wants to make such a service, I’ll happily contribute from the agency p.o.v.

    I think as the industry grows, the concerns of the past are being addressed, and the openness in the forum & blogosphere only help this development.

    Nevertheless, there is a fine line between being openness and professionalism. An affiliate agreement is, afterall, a private business agreement.

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