When Black is White
posted in Affiliate Marketing |I have been particularly engrossed by this particular thread on the forum, where actual affiliate links are being indexed in search engines. The discussion has been quite interesting, in the sense that white hat has been mistakenly considered black hat in what appears to be a Google bug or possibly questionable / poor seo techniques by the merchant concerned & not the affiliate.
One thing I will endorse is the openness of the network Webgains to bring this matter to the attention of the forum for an open debate which is a plus credit to them when maybe some other networks would shy away.
There does seem to be divided opinion amongst affiliates & we have to be careful this doesn’t set a precedent for future restricted T&C’s for affiliates in relation to SEO and/or Natural/Organic listings.
The lock is already undone on Pandora’s box, lets not open it … please.
Full Story is Here … Help me with a serious Google problem!